When choosing a backpack tents, we consider its compact portability and reasonable budget aside. There is also a need for a safe structure to provide comfort and weather resistance. The CAMP range of backpacking camping tents has just that, making it easy for you to deal with inclement weather.
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Minimalist, lightweight and portable hiking camping backpack tent. With a multipurpose design and budget, it is suitable for both the novice and the proficient.
Camping enthusiasts often take tents to the wild. They will go for ultra-lightweight portable camping tents because they need to be suitable for hiking, biking or climbing. A backpacking tent is a minimalist raincoat-style shelter that offers less weight at the cost of less comfort. Backpacking tents are more compact, lighter and easier to set up than luxury car camping tents. Campers can carry it on long treks. But despite its small size, the campmors backpack tents series also has humanized multifunctional designs such as pockets and hooks. They are designed for outdoor camping adventures.
If conditions permit, we still recommend that you choose a double-wall backpacking tent. It doesn’t add much weight, but the excellent condensation resistance keeps your sleeping bag and clothes from getting wet. The lightweight double decker backpacking tent offers the perfect balance between portability and comfort.
Many people tend to confuse backpacking tents with camping tents. But in fact, they are applied to different activities, and there are certain differences. So what’s the difference between them? Which is more suitable for you? There is no clear division between backpacking tents and camping tents. Certain backpacking tents are very similar to camping tents, and they have all the styles of camping tents. We can understand a lightweight backpacking tent as a small/light version of a camping tent. Let’s start with their product features and usage scenario positioning.
The biggest advantage of best backpacking tents is that they can provide shelter with a lighter weight. The backpack tent is made of ultra-light fabric material, which is thinner and lighter than cotton canvas due to the specificity of the synthetic material. This is beneficial for the user to carry it to a farther place on foot. But it will be weaker in terms of heat insulation and cold protection.
Camping tents focus more on providing more space and comfort. They are manufactured from larger, heavier materials, which makes them safer and more durable. This means that some luxury camping tents add 10kg or more to their overall weight. Hiking is generally not recommended.
Ultralight backpacking tents are the best choice when you plan to go hiking alone in the mountains/forests. There are hardly any facilities along the way, so you’ll need to pack everything you need in your backpack. An acceptable lightweight backpacking tent weight can reduce the burden on us from the backpack and keep us sensitive. Even if we bring our partners, we can also choose 2 person backpacking tent. The campmors backpacking tent series has backpacking tents for 2-3 people, which can provide you and your lover with a space to hug and fall asleep.
When to Use a Camping Tent?
If you are going to a nearby park or traveling by car (when getting to the camping destination is not too strenuous), it is recommended to choose a camping tent. You can take transportation directly to the vicinity of your destination. When weight is not a consideration, choose a larger light luxury camping tent to provide campers with a spacious and comfortable sleeping environment. Our camping gear and pets are also able to have a designated seating area. After setting up the camping tent, we can explore the scenery nearby. It is not necessary to disassemble the tent frequently.
Before you get ready to go backpacking, choosing the best backpacking tent can help you make a home in the wild. Backpacking tents come in a variety of styles, designs and materials. Below we will list some of the decision points of the selection process for you:
Capacity size;
Habitability (number of doors, ventilation, ease of erection);
Tent poles;
Fixed way;
Seasonal: Need to know where we are going before choosing the right backpacking tent? What environment and weather conditions will you encounter? It is convenient for us to choose a backpack tent that can meet the use environment. 2-season backpacking tents are generally lighter and generally less weather resistant. Often used in sunny and breezy weather. The most popular is the 3-season backpacking tent, which can meet more daily needs with its budget-friendly and lightweight materials. It can perfectly cope with the rainy season and offset the wind. And if you are going to severe weather areas such as mountains or Amazon rivers, you need to choose a 4-season backpacking tent. Its sturdy structure can withstand strong wind and snow. The thick and durable fabric can keep the tent interior dry.
Cost: Best tents for backpacking can range in price from $100 to thousands of dollars. You need to consider a reasonable best budget backpacking tent in combination with your wallet. There are many factors that determine the cost of a backpack tent, such as: fabric material, material and structure of tent poles, shape design and other factors. At the same time, big brands are often more expensive. After all, the long-term publicity costs of the brand need to be paid by consumers. Sometimes some small brand backpack tents are much cheaper with the same quality. Such as campmors, although we already have a very complete industrial production and sales system in China. But as a factory that has just started going overseas. Under the premise of ensuring the quality and function of backpacking tents, they often provide very favorable prices.
Weight: For backpacking, weight is a very important consideration for campers when choosing a tent. An entry-level 2-person backpacking tent weighs around 5 pounds. The larger the area of the backpack tent, the heavier the weight. At the same time the price will be higher. In addition to the size will affect the quality of the backpack tent. Fabric and tent construction will also affect the overall weight of your backpacking tent.
Capacity: You need to consider how many people you will be traveling with. Usually the capacity of backpack tents is between 1 and 4 people. After all, it was originally designed for backpackers on long journeys. Excessive capacity means greater weight, which will affect travel. Among them, the small two-person backpacking tent is the most popular. The interior space can fit two standard width sleeping bags side by side. While a 1 person backpacking tent is lighter, a two-person backpacking tent can provide more room to prevent kicking over the tent at night while sleeping. The 3-4 person backpacking tent is suitable for small families or couples with a lot of equipment. Despite the added weight, there’s more extra room to rest and store other gear.
Liveability: Choosing a relatively comfortable backpacking tents can lead to a better night’s sleep after a day of sports travel. For example: multiple doors and windows can avoid disturbing companions when going in and out at night; good ventilation of backpack tents can avoid stuffy heat; the simplicity of tent structure can reduce our workload; the higher the peak height of backpack tents can avoid bumping heads; Weather resistance can better avoid us being affected by rain.
Durability: Backpacking tent fabric material type and thickness determine its durability. Although the nylon material is lighter, the polyester fabric is more abrasion-resistant and water-resistant. In wet and windy conditions, polyester fabrics perform better than nylon. Personally I still prefer polyester backpacking tents or oxford backpacking tents (the oxfords are a little heavier). The weaving density of the fabric is indicated by “D”, and the larger the value, the thicker it is. Of course, even the thickest fabrics become brittle with time and the effects of sunlight. It’s just that proper maintenance can prolong its service life.
Functionality: Some humanized functional designs of backpack tents can bring convenience to our journey. The attached vestibule creates a protected area and provides a sheltered space for shoes, trekking poles and more. This will keep the inside dry and tidy better. Some invisible small pockets inside can store small items such as mobile phones at night. The hooks on the top of the tent can hang lanterns to light up our camp. In the campmors backpacking tent series, many of our products are designed with these extra functions. In this way, the camping enjoyment of customers can be improved.
Tent poles: The poles for backpacking tents are usually divided into carbon fiber poles, glass fiber poles and aluminum poles. Carbon fiber poles are very light but break easily; fiberglass poles are somewhat bendable and tough; aluminum poles are heavy but very strong.
Fixed point: The way the tent is connected and fixed is an important factor in determining whether the backpack tent can resist wind. The way backpack tent fabric is connected to tent poles is divided into pole sleeve (Pole Sleeve) and pole clip (Pole Clip).
Pole Sleeve: The pole is threaded through the fabric sleeve to connect the fabric to the structural pole.
Pole Clip: A newly popular way of fixing. The clip connection method is simpler and faster, just clip the clip on the pole to connect the fabric to the tent body.
The connection method of the tent can be freely selected according to the needs. But don’t forget to use wind ropes and ground nails for reinforcement in windy weather.
Everyone has their own consideration bias. The above factors can only be used as your reference, it is always good to know more.
Make sure your backpacking tent is dry before packing it. Packing a wet tent can cause it to develop mold and odors. The specific steps to pack the tent into the backpack are as follows:
Prepare the tent: Lay the tent on a flat surface. Start by shrinking or disassembling the tent poles into small sections. And adjust the tent to the same width as the storage bag.
Tighten the tent: We usually recommend that the tent fabric be rolled instead of folded. Folding tends to destroy the fabric structure. It is recommended to put the tent poles on one side of the tent, and then roll the tent with the poles as the center. Keep it parallel while rolling up and expel excess air by compressing the tent. This saves more backpack space.
Income storage bag: campmors backpack tents are usually equipped with tent bags. Once you’ve tightened the tent it can be stuffed into the tent bag.
Pack your backpack: Put the tent bag aside first. Organize your gear in your backpack to free up space for your tent.
Put the tent into the backpack: Note, please put the tent in the middle of the backpack as much as possible. Or if your backpack is an outer frame, we can use the buckle to fix the tent bag on the outside of the backpack. Usually we put heavy items on the bottom center and light ones on top. This relieves back stress from hiking.
It is generally recommended to pack your tent in the middle of the pack. Since the tent is one of the heavier items, placing it in the middle puts the least strain on your back. Ideally, your sleeping bag should be at the very bottom of your pack (the sleeping bag is the last piece of camping gear to be taken out and is very heavy), and your tent should be directly above it.
Properly packing your tent on your pack will directly affect the overall weight distribution of your camping gear. CAMP recommends placing the tent at the bottom of the pack. This reduces fatigue when hiking and improves the overall travel experience.
Using the back of the pack as the midpoint, placing the tent in the middle of the back will help balance the weight. This is a relatively comfortable way to carry heavy loads for most backpackers. It is also possible to drape a small tent over the top of the backpack and place the tent fabric on top. Take care to add a layer of protection to your tent fabric to prevent debris such as branches from snagging or damaging the fabric. The tent poles can be strapped to the outside of the backpack in a horizontal position at the bottom. This prevents the poles from scratching the fabric and backpack.
Freestanding pop up tent if your backpacking tent. This means that the fabric and tent structure cannot be easily separated. We can use the storage bag to store it and put it outside the backpack (it is usually recommended to put it at the bottom) and store it horizontally.
Here are a few basic rules for carrying a tent with a backpack:
The tent is as close to your back as possible, so that the entire shoulder and back can share the weight evenly;
If the tent is outside the backpack, please pay attention to the tent protection;
If the tent is placed inside the pack, keep it dry;
If the tent is heavy, it should be placed in the middle of the backpack for balance;
Heavy items are placed on the bottom of the backpack. Unless your backpacking tent is ultralight, it is recommended to attach it to the bottom. Avoid being top-heavy.
Many travel backpacks now come with a frame or additional straps. This is helpful for hikers attaching the tent to the backpack. The advantage of attaching the tent to the outside of the pack is that it frees up more interior space for other gear. So we strongly recommend choosing a hiking backpack with an external frame when purchasing a backpack. Here are some things to keep in mind when attaching your tent to your pack:
Pay attention to protect the tent fabric to avoid being damaged by sharp objects encountered during the journey;
Before attaching the tent to the backpack, make sure the straps are firm and reliable;
When securing the tent with the backpack’s drawstring straps and loops, the tent needs to be tightened as tight as possible. Do not leave any gaps to prevent the tent from slipping;
Use the reinforcement ring buckle on the backpack to tighten the tent again, so as to avoid the loss of the tent due to the breakage of the belt.
As an experienced camper. We should know that the weight of a backpack tent is determined by its pole material, fabric density and floor space. The process of reducing the weight of the tent is often accompanied by a decrease in durability, size and comfort. Therefore, there is no specific weight standard for backpacking tents. Here are some common average weights:
The weight of the ultra-light backpack tent will be controlled at about 2.5 pounds;
The weight of a normal lightweight backpack tent is between 3-5 pounds;
Traditional standard backpacking tents weigh between 5 and 10 lbs.
In the manufacture of lightweight backpacking tent, there is a need to reduce weight without compromising their utility. This requires the use of more specialized materials and more sophisticated processes. The price will also become more expensive as the ultralight backpacking tent becomes lighter. Therefore, we do not recommend excessive pursuit of lightweight backpacking tents. You can choose a backpack tent reasonably according to your own usage scenarios.
If you plan to hike for a long time in hot and dry areas, it is recommended to choose a lightweight backpacking tents;
If camping in forests, wet environments or mountains, it is recommended to put durability as the first element.
There’s no definitive answer to how long a backpacking tents will last. Backpack tents produced with different materials and fabric densities have different service life. I can only provide you with an approximate value based on industry statistics. The average service life of a standard backpacking tent is about 100 camping days. For example: if you use a backpacking tent outdoors for 20 days of camping each year, then it can be used for about 5 years. The factors that affect the life cycle of backpack tents are as follows:
Fabric material: PU, PE, polyester cloth, nylon cloth, Oxford cloth, cotton canvas and various other synthetic materials have different life spans. Any material also has a shelf life, and normal synthetic materials can guarantee normal use for 5-8 years. Cotton canvas tentsare more durable than ordinary polyester and nylon tents, and can be used for 10 or even 15 years;
Maintenance: Precautions during use and storage and maintenance after use can effectively prolong the service life of the tent. Such as: Minimize bringing sand, dirt and stones into the tent. Detailed tent maintenance knowledge can be learned through our related pages;
Frequency: the more you use your tent, the faster its fabric and structural poles will wear and tear;
Sunshine: Any tent fabric is very susceptible to UV rays. Therefore, setting up your backpacking tent in the shade when conditions permit can increase fabric life. Or a canopy can be built to create more shadows. In the campmors backpack tent, some product fabrics are equipped with a silver-coated sunscreen layer, which can also effectively avoid ultraviolet rays.
Ground environment: The quality of the ground environment will directly affect the durability of the bottom fabric of the backpack tent. Rough ground will increase the wear and tear of the base fabric. Debris such as sharp branches and rocks on the ground can puncture your tent if you fail to notice them. We recommend laying a ground tarp to protect the tent base and reduce wear and tear.
Of course, backpacking tents are inherently a consumable. We don’t have to be overly cautious, we just need to maintain daily maintenance and love. The price of campmors backpack tents is not very expensive, and the high cost performance with guaranteed quality is definitely affordable for you.
Backpack camping tents are designed for better carrying. Therefore, it has a special requirement compared with other tents: try to control the overall weight. Therefore, the size of the backpack tent will not be designed very large, and it is usually designed as a portable style for 2-3 people. Backpacking tents for families or small teams are sometimes designed to be very large, and can be used by 4-6 people or even more.
1P Backpack Tent: It can be used by one person alone, with compact space but light weight. Usually the footprint is around 15-20 square feet.
2P Backpack Tent: Designed with the standard shoulder width of two adults. Fits two standard adults (can be cramped for larger adults). Can also be used as a one-person luxury backpacking tent. There is plenty of interior room for one person to store all their gear and roll around. Usually covers an area of about 30 square feet.
3P Backpack Tent: Designed for three adults. Also suitable for two adults with one child or pet. Typically the footprint is around 40-45 square feet.
4P Backpacking Tent: The spacious interior is good for storing camping equipment such as backpacks and lamps. It is the best choice for small family outdoor camping with 3-4 people. Typically the footprint is around 65 square feet.
Backpack tents for 6P and above: relatively heavy, but with a spacious interior. Usually used for short-term or nearby camping activities. Not good for long distance hikes.
While the accommodation space of the backpack tent increases, the overall weight will increase accordingly. So we need to choose according to our actual situation, and don’t blindly pursue too large a size.
This seems to be back to the topic of “how to choose a backpacking tent” above. When backpacking, we have camping equipment such as clothing, food, lamps, sleeping bags, etc. in addition to tents. The first criterion is to make the weight of the backpack tent as light as possible. No one wants to be left with back and leg pain after a trip.
Before planning to hike, you need to plan your route in advance and pay attention to the weather forecast. So that when we choose a backpack tent, we can choose a suitable backpack tent according to the actual situation. Such as:
Rugged and rocky mountain routes choose wear-resistant backpacking tents;
In wet areas, choose a waterproof tent + a waterproof mat;
In rainy and snowy weather, it is recommended to choose a waterproof and cold-resistant double-wall backpack tent;
In hot weather, it is recommended to choose a backpack tent with multiple ventilation windows. It is best to have a silver or vinyl sunscreen coating (this will add a certain amount of weight);
If the weather conditions are good and you want to allow more time to enjoy the outdoors, it is recommended to choose a pop-up backpacking tent. This will greatly save your construction and storage time;